Age and maturity paves the way for a greater awareness and understanding of heritage. A desire to learn more about heritage and to work to preserve it for future generations blossoms overtime…for some people.
A few weeks ago, cultural globalization came up in conversation. Not the exact words, more so comments and thoughts following observations made of it. The internet, pop culture media and international travel have drastically increased the speed at which cultural globalization occurs.
As social interactions increase, as ideas and values continue to be shared and adopted, how are people thinking about preserving pieces of their own cultural heritage?
How are people preserving through action and what are some of the things people are working to preserve?
These questions are being asked and answered daily… Photography, filmmaking, storytelling and writing in general are so cool because of their abilities to preserve in powerful ways.
Thinking a bit beyond just preservation… Perhaps one of the reasons why photographers and other artists create has to do with the possibility of reaching immortality…
Just the thought of having the chance to CREATE something precious, an EXTENSION of you that can be ALIVE FOREVER, in some way, can be COMFORTING and can help negate the dreadful thoughts and feelings brought upon by the reality and inevitability of death…
Pushing past the thought of creating and into the creation process, further into the “state of immortality” can be invigorating.
Investing so much time to work, to edit, to revise. Giving so much thought and attention to the details, despite the stress and exhaustion that may come…
I captured this photo early in the morning using my Canon AT- 1. It was loaded with Kodak 100 color negative film. Editing it was fun and I was incredibly pleased to see the final result look like a painting. It was also a happy coincidence!…
For the past few months, I’ve been following a photographer known on YouTube as Grainydays. His visual work, enthusiasm and knowledge for film photography is awesome and his wonderful sense of humor never ceases to entertain me.
On several occasions, Jason has presented the work of American realist painter Edward Hopper. During his various photo outings, Jason has also been successful in capturing and editing photos that match the style of a few of Hopper’s paintings…
Hopper’s style lives on through the work of Jason and many other artists…
The 94th Academy Awards ceremony is right around the corner. It’s always nice to see and hear about where people have been… in their minds, in their hearts and of course when it comes to physical locations.
The ceremony amazes, excites and motivates artists to create, …to do more…to do better…to work harder. It’s awesome to see how people from different places and backgrounds contribute to the preservation of so many stories, beliefs, values and more. I’m looking forward to watching this year’s ceremony…